3D CSEM inversion
3D CSEM inversion is EMGS’s standard tool to reconstruct the subsurface resistivity distribution from the measured CSEM data. The goal of CSEM inversion is to reconstruct a resistivity model that explains the CSEM data and is geologically meaningful.

Our 3D CSEM inversion has been used successfully to image CSEM data acquired in a variety of geological settings such as shallow water, continental slope, deep water and salt basins for a range of E&P applications.
Since 2008 our inversion technology and workflows have undergone continuous development to improve accuracy and reliability as we continue to adapt to new acquisition approaches.
Key features
- Proven imaging solution for regional exploration, prospect evaluation, reservoir characterization, structural imaging
- Can account for VTI and TTI anisotropy in the subsurface
- Use of rigorous CSEM data uncertainty models to assign data weights
- Powerful Gauss-Newton model update scheme
- Software developed and maintained by EMGS
- Applicable to all node-based CSEM acquisition approaches (3D wide-azimuth, 2D)
- Can integrate seismic and well-log data into imaging workflow
- Large flexibility for applying different types of regularization and constraints based on gelogical setting and available a priori information
- SEG-Y deliverables for easy integration with other geophysical and geological data